takealytics Actions
Grow revenue from delivery by focussing on the areas which provide the greatest return. takealytics Actions highlights the exact metrics and restaurants to focus on.
Track the operational metrics which influence sales on each of the aggregators and the potential revenue opportunity that can be achieved across your estate by optimising performance. See exactly which restaurants and metrics need to be addressed - should you concentrate on restaurants with consistently high delivery time, poor availability, bad reviews or missing food tags? takealytics highlights which venues need addressing and the potential revenue gain from actioning the issue.
Monitoring metrics including:
Availability and High Delivery Time - Tracking performance over the last month to highlight those locations which are continuously underperforming.
Opening Hours - Ensuing these are in sync across the aggregators for each location.
Food Types - Flagging if restaurants in your estate are not tagged for relevant food types, potentially resulting in consumers not finding your restaurant.
Listing Opportunities - Checking if there are locations which aren’t shown on an aggregator but the aggregator operates nearby.
Reviews & Ratings - Highlight any restaurants with poor reviews.
Menu Items - Flagging missing images and descriptions on menu items across your estate.
Customise metrics to your business
Every restaurant business is different which is why we enable you to customise the report to your business. All revenue assumptions can easily be adjusted in the analysis to highlight the monthly and annual potential sales gain.
Identify which restaurants to action
In addition to providing management level reporting on delivery performance and revenue opportunity, takealytics Actions also provides the exact venue that requires action and the metric which needs to be addressed. By actioning this report on a monthly basis you will optimise your delivery performance and grow revenue across your estate.